St Anthony s Continuing Care Rock Island Il 61201

St. Anthony's Nursing and Rehabilitation CenterUnfortunately, many residents in nursing facilities become the victim of neglect, mistreatment or abuse by other patients, employees or caregivers. In some incidents, the nursing home fails to train their Nurses and Nurse's Aides adequately or does not provide proper supervision that leads to substandard care. Sometimes, the victim is injured through sexual assault by an employee or another patient.

If your loved one was mistreated while residing in a Rock Island County nursing facility, contact the Illinois Nursing Home Law Center attorneys for immediate legal intervention. Our team of Chicago nursing home attorneys has successfully handled cases exactly like yours. Let us begin working on your case today to ensure that those at fault for the harm are held legally accountable and financially responsible for your damages.

St. Anthony's Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

This Medicare/Medicaid-participating center is a 130-certified bed facility providing services to residents of Rock Island and Rock Island County, Illinois. The "for profit" long-term care (LTC) home is located at:

767 30Th Street
Rock Island, Illinois, 61201
(309) 788-7631

In addition to providing 24/7 skilled nursing care, Saint Anthony's Nursing and Rehab Center offers other services that include:

  • Respite care
  • Long-term care
  • Post-surgical care
  • Tracheostomy care
  • Pulmonary care
  • Cardiac care
  • Neurological and stroke care
  • Speech, occupational and physical therapies
  • Pressure sore treatment care
  • Complex wound care
  • PICC line care
  • Pain management
  • Antibiotic therapy
  • Intravenous (IV) therapy
  • Amputation care
  • Orthopedic care
  • Joint replacement care
  • Ambulation and gait training
Fined $137,584 for substandard care

Financial Penalties and Violations

Illinois nursing home regulators and federal inspectors have the legal authority to penalize any nursing home identified as violating rules and regulations that harmed or could have harmed a resident. Typically, these penalties include monetary fines and denial for payment of medical services.

Within the last three years, nursing home regulatory agencies have imposed four stiff monetary penalties against St. Anthony's Nursing and Rehabilitation Center due to substandard care. These penalties include a:

  • $77,529 fine on July 12, 2017
  • $45,855 fine on September 7, 2016
  • $12,600 fine on December 21, 2015
  • $1600 fine on December 21, 2015.

These penalties totaled $137,584 over the last thirty-six months.

During this time, Medicare denied payment for services rendered on December 21, 2015. The nursing home also received twenty-three formally filed complaints and self-reported one serious issue that all resulted in citations. Additional information about penalties and fines can be reviewed on the Illinois Department of Public Health Nursing Home Reporting Website concerning this nursing facility.

Rock Island Illinois Nursing Home Safety Concerns

One Star Rating

Families can download statistics from the Illinois Department of Public Health online sites to view a comprehensive historical list of all filed complaints, safety concerns, opened investigations, health violations, incident inquiries and dangerous hazards of every facility statewide. The information can be used to determine the level of health care, and hygiene assistance each community long-term care facility provides its patients.

According to Medicare, this facility maintains an overall rating of one out of five stars, including one out of five stars concerning health inspections, two out of five stars for staffing issues and three out of five stars for quality measures. The Rock Island County neglect attorneys at Nursing Home Law Center have found serious deficiencies and safety concerns at St. Anthony's Nursing and Rehabilitation Center that include:

  • Failure to Provide and Implement an Infection Protection and Control Program
  • In a summary statement of deficiencies dated November 3, 2017, a state investigator noted the nursing home's failure to "ensure facility nursing staff cleansed insulin vials and injection sites with alcohol wipes [before] drawing up and administering insulin." The deficient practice by the nursing staff involved one resident reviewed "for subcutaneous insulin administration."

    The survey team reviewed the facility's policy titled: Diabetic Care that reads in part:

    "Disinfect the top of the vial with an alcohol wipe and clean the injection site with an alcohol wipe and allow to air dry."

    A Licensed Practical Nurse was observed by the surveyors just before noon on November 2, 2017 "without cleansing the top of [the resident's] insulin vial with an alcohol wipe, inserted the needle and withdrew eight units of insulin." The LPN then pulled up the resident's "shirt, exposing [the resident's] right side abdominal area, and without cleaning the injection site, inserted the needle into [the resident's] subcutaneous abdominal tissue and injected [the] insulin."

    Failure to follow protocol to prevent the spread of infection – IL State Inspector

    The LPN confirmed that they "should have cleansed the insulin vial and the injection site before drawing up and administering [the resident's] insulin."

  • Failure to Provide Every Resident an Environment Free of Accident Hazards and Provide Adequate Supervision to Prevent Avoidable Accidents
  • In a summary statement of deficiencies dated September 6, 2018, the survey team documented that the nursing facility had failed to "implement fall interventions for one of three residents and failed to investigate a fall with injury." The deficient practice by the nursing staff involved one of three residents "reviewed for falls."

    The survey team reviewed the facility's policy titled: Accidents: Incident Occurrence that directs the staff to follow"

    "Appropriate interventions are initiated, and an incident report/response form is completed for all accidents or incidents where there is an injury or the potential to result in injury."

    The state surveyors reviewed the resident's Fall Risk Assessment dated June 1, 2018, that shows that the resident is "a fall risk." The resident's Baseline Care Plan with the same date shows "a history of falls in the hospital. Bed/chair alarm place for safety."

    A review of the resident's Nursing Notes dated June 7, 2018, at 7:20 PM that was signed by a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) documents that at 7:00 PM that day, a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) laid the resident down. When the LPN talked to the family, the resident was "seen on the floor in a sitting position." The resident stated, "I fell out of bed and hit my toes where there is a bruise." Based on the observation made by the nurse, "the right middle toe appears dark."

    The resident's facility Incident Investigation form with the same date and time signed by LPN documents that the resident was "found sitting on the floor next to the bed." The "environmental status at the time of the fall" includes a "bed alarm sounding is not circled as applicable at the time of [the resident's] fall."

    The resident was sent for an x-ray with a report that shows an acute third middle phalanx fracture. As a part of the investigation, the LPN said "I do not remember the bed alarm sounding when the resident fell. It was not on."

    The Director of Nursing verified the resident's "medical record contained no documentation of [their] fall with an injury. At that time, [the Director said] 'I do not have an incident report for [the resident's] fall and laceration. I do not know why one was not done.'"

    In a separate summary statement of deficiencies dated January 4, 2018, the state surveyors noted that the nursing facility "failed to maintain a safe environment by allowing the use of portable electric space heaters for 47 residents reviewed for safety."

    The investigators reviewed the facility's policy titled: Heat/Cold Alerts dated September 27, 2017, that directs the staff:

    "If the temperature in the resident's room drops below 62°, ask the residents to move to an area of the building that is warmer. Give the resident's extra blankets. Provide hot beverages for the residents."

    An observation was made of a resident sitting in their room at 2:00 PM on January 3, 2018, while "in a wheelchair with a winter coat on and multiple blankets across [the resident's] shoulders and legs."

    At that time, the resident said "it is so cold and here. It has been cold for days. It is cold or night. I cannot get warm. A portable electric space heater was running, ten inches from the wall. The electric heater was glowing red and hot to the touch."

    Ten minutes later, a different resident on the same hall "was sitting in her wheelchair in [their] room." That resident "wore a heavy coat and gloves and had a blanket on [their] lap. At that time, this resident said, "it has been cold here for the past two weeks. A portable space heater was positioned next to the north wall and was running."

    A third resident was observed "lying in bed with multiple blankets on approximately twenty-five minutes later. At that time, this resident stated "it cannot be more than 60° in here at night. It has been going on for the past four days. I am so cold and cannot feel my hands or feet. This is horrible."

    This resident's "hands were cool to the touch. On the same date, at 4:00 PM, [this resident] remained in bed. A portable electric space heater was positioned between the west wall and [the resident's] bed. The space heater was running and hot to the touch."

    A few minutes later, a fourth resident was observed "lying in bed under many blankets with two winter coats on, and a stocking cap on. A portable electric space was positioned next to the north wall and running. At that time, [this resident said] 'I am sick of this. It is always cold and here.'"

    The state investigator interviewed the facility Administrator the following morning who said "we had five space heaters running yesterday. The facility bought the space heaters. We initially started using a space heater in [the fourth resident's room around Christmas time. We do not have a plan to stop using the space heaters. I am not aware of any safety precautions for the space heaters. Our Cold Alert Policy does not call for the use of space heaters and resident rooms."

  • Failure to Develop, Implement and Enforce Policies That Prevent Mistreatment, Neglect or Abuse of Residents
  • In a summary statement of deficiencies dated November 3, 2017, the state investigator noted that the nursing facility "failed to develop an abuse policy with procedures that prohibit and prevent exploitation of residents and procedures for reporting and investigating exploitation of residents. These failures have the potential to affect all 107 residents currently residing in the facility."

    The investigators reviewed the facility's current undated Abuse Prevention policy that "does not include components that prohibit and prevent exploitation of residents procedures for reporting and investigating the exploitation of residents."

    During an interview with the facility Administrator on the morning of November 2, 2017, it was "confirmed that the current Abuse Policy does not address the prohibition of prevention of exploitation of residents and procedures for reporting and investigating the exploitation of residents."

Were You Victimized at St. Anthony's Nursing and Rehabilitation Center? We Can Help

Do you suspect that your loved one was mistreated, neglected or abused while living at St. Anthony's Nursing and Rehabilitation Center? If so, call the Illinois nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys at Nursing Home Law Center at (800) 926-7565 today. Our network of attorneys fights aggressively on behalf of Rock Island County victims of mistreatment living in long-term facilities including nursing homes in Rock Island. Contact us now to schedule a free case review to discuss how to obtain justice and resolve a financial compensation claim.

Our skilled attorneys can work on your family's behalf to successfully resolve your financial recompense claim against all those who caused your loved ones harm. We file claims against nursing homes, medical centers, doctors and nursing staff. We accept every case concerning wrongful death, nursing home abuse, and personal injury through a contingency fee agreement. This arrangement postpones making payments to our legal firm until after we have successfully resolved your case through a jury trial award or negotiated settlement.

Our network of attorneys offers every client a "No Win/No-Fee" Guarantee, meaning if we are unable to resolve your case successfully, you owe us nothing. We can provide legal representation starting today to ensure your family is adequately compensated for your damages. All information you share with our law offices will remain confidential.


  • St. Anthony's Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
  • Inspection report - 11/03/2017
  • Inspection report - 09/06/2018
  • Inspection report - 05/11/2018
  • Inspection report - 03/22/2018
  • Inspection report - 01/04/2018


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